Friday, April 30, 2010

Yard Work

Today was a beautiful day! Eric mowed the front yard and we looked at the lawn tractor but it needs at least a new battery and front tire. Not sure what else will be wrong when we finally get those taken care of.

I spent the day outside pulling and spraying weeds and making plans to move some plants. There's still so much to be done and I don't seem to have enough time off to do it! Of course when Eric leaves I'll have to also mow the grass... yay. At least I accomplished something today.

Now I have to wash a load of work shirts and try to clean up my desk a little while I listen to the Penguins Playoff Game. I hope it doesn't run into overtime. I have to get to bed early. My Saturday schedule was changed from 7-4 to 6-3 so I can water plants before the customers start showing up, like an hour is going to be enough time... I'll do what I can.

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