Tuesday, April 27, 2010


While I was at work today, one of my co-workers came over and said they thought there was a call for me about a "Family Emergency". She said my last name wrong so I thought it was for someone else, but it turned out it was for me.

My dad was in a car accident last night and they kept him overnight in the hospital and they're keeping him tonight too. He couldn't remember anyone's phone numbers so no one was notified until today. They had to look up my aunt's name and number because she's the only one with a number listed in the phone book. I called him and he said he's ok but they still have a neck brace on him and he bruised his hand and must have hit his head. He doesn't remember the accident but the police told him he was hit from behind while stopped in a construction zone.

I'm going to leave soon to go feed his cats and then go visit him.

1 comment:

  1. The cats still had some food so they were ok. They sat there looking at me when I came in and when I said "hi" they realized I wasn't who they were expecting! LOL

    My dad has a concussion so hopefully he'll be able to go home in the morning. Other than the big lump on his head and the bruise on his hand, he looks fine. Just to look at him you wouldn't even know he was in an accident!
