Friday, April 23, 2010

Random stuff

I'm sort of getting the hang of this so I'll keep posting and see what happens.

I'm going to try to put some of my pictures on here if I can figure that out, might take a few days (or, knowing the pace at which I work, weeks). I have cruise photos and my 2010 Photo Journal to add. Then of course there are the Christmas trees... yes I said treeS!

Coming up later this year I have plans for trips to Maine and South Carolina so that will be fun to "blog" about. "Blog" is such a funny word! And Eric is going off to Marine boot camp around June 1. I'm sure my anxiety will be good for a few posts too!

So that's the Random stuff I plan to blog about (gotta get used to that word I keep wanting to say post... guess that's ok too... whatever). Anyway I'm sure I'll have lots more Random things going on as time goes on... isn't that a song?

1 comment:

  1. Haven't made it to Maine yet but planning a trip next year or maybe a little later, at least by the time Brian retires.
