Monday, June 7, 2010

Bats in my belfry... errr... bedroom

So I was sitting at my computer on Saturday night, minding my own business, when a saw something fly past me and into my bedroom. I thought it was a big moth. When I looked up, there was a bat!! It was flying in circles around the ceiling fan. I guess it was avoiding the blade and the walls and since it wouldn't land for more than 2 seconds all it could do is fly in a circle!

I grabbed a blanket with the intention of throwing it over the bat and taking it outside. The bat was way too smart for that! He avoided me every time. But I was finally able to shoo him out of the bedroom and down the stairs where he began to fly all over the first floor.

I yelled for Kathy and she suggested opening the deck door...why didn't I think of that? We realized that if we held our arms up and waved them he saw it as something he couldn't get past so we each stood on opposite sides and gradually managed to get him to fly out the door! YAY!

Today when I was out in the yard I took a look at the bat house that I have up and I'm hoping that I actually have a bat living there. It's really hard to make out but it's either a bat nose or a spider that I saw in the opening. You can "almost" see the bat house on this tree.

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