Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something Strange

Today, June 2 2011, is the 4th anniversary of my mom passing away.

I was up late last night thinking of her and crying. When I was finally ready for bed I went to unplug the lights in my bedroom and I tripped over something, almost twisted my ankle on it. So I picked up the offending object and found that it was a ring jewelry box that belonged to my mom and inside was an opal ring... her birthstone. How strange is that?

Now I have to admit that I have her old jewelry armoire in my bedroom and that I have seen that ring before but I have no idea HOW it got out of the drawer, across my room, and landed on the floor next to my laundry basket and a foot from the electrical outlet. All I can think is that Mom was trying to tell me something... not sure what. But I believe that she was comforting me because I'm so sad today.

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