Monday, September 25, 2017

Gonna try to keep writing as often as I can.  I figure if I write something... ANYTHING, I'll get the hang of this.
I no longer work at Walmart.  I worked in the Garden Center for the last probably six out of seven years I worked at Walmart.  I loved working in the Garden Center but it was so physical!  I've been unofficially "retired" for the past two years and I can tell that I'm not getting enough exercise.  Zeus is helping though.

Tomorrow I'm going to start taking Zeus for walks up the street and back, not much but something.  He's usually ok on the leash but this will be the first time out in public except for going to the vet and he was so small that first time that everyone carried him everywhere!  Hahaha!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

This is Zeus.  I wasn't sure if I could figure out how to send a picture from my phone but it worked!!  My big excitement for the day!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

My dog Thor passed away two years ago and I finally got a new puppy last month.  His name is Zeus and he's another German shepherd.  He is SOOO cute but a little terror with his teeth.  I know he'll grow out of it but my husband is not a fan of him right now.  I'm doing what I can.  

He's mostly getting the potty training thing, had an accident today but that's because I trusted him too much.  I keep him on a leash when in the house so I can keep track of him and he was eating and drinking so I went in the living room because I knew he'd follow eventually... he took a pit stop in the dining room on his way. 😠  He is just a little over 2 mos old so it wasn't a complete surprise; I still expect a few messes.
Wow!  I am really surprised to see that this is still here.  I've been thinking about things I want to talk about and I keep thinking of this blog but it's been SOOO long!  Maybe I'll try to catch up with what's been going on and post some pictures and talk about some stuff.  We'll see what happens!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Eric's coming home!

It's been an eventful week. First Val and her wisdom teeth and then I had a doctor appointment and blood work. Apparently my blood work was good except for something low on the thyroid test so I have to go back Monday to take some more tests... unfortunately they aren't the kind you study for! The vampire is going to get me again!!

Then there is Eric...

I have Eric's old computer downstairs and I use it occasionally while watching TV. Eric has a Gmail account and has his screen name and password saved on his computer. (You'll see why this is relevant in a second)

On Monday I was signing into my Gmail account but didn't realize that Eric's account was still displayed so I ended up in his account. I was going to exit right away but something caught my eye. There was an email about an itinerary from an online travel site. Ok, I shouldn't have but I did. I clicked the email and found out that Eric had a flight to Pittsburgh on June 17. He would be arriving after midnight on the 18th.

On Wednesday I talked to him and asked him about graduation and asked if he was going to have a Leave before he had to report to Camp Lejeune. He said no! At that point I realized that it was a "surprise"! So I didn't say anything else and I didn't tell anyone else except Brian.

When I got home that night there was a post from his friend Chris about picking him up at the airport on the 18th. And Kathy said another friend mentioned that he was coming home. The jig was up!!

Even though it's not a surprise anymore, I'm so happy to have him coming home! And it WILL be a surprise to my dad and Aunt Joan. We are all going to dinner on Father's Day and I'm not telling them that he is here. They'll be surprised when he's sitting at the restaurant waiting for them!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A day with Val

Valerie had her wisdom teeth taken out today so I went to visit and take her to the dentist. Everything went well. We went to get her prescriptions and then I stayed with her for the rest of the day. I got her ice packs and "helped" her change her gauze pads... more like she did it herself while I stood there and handed her the fresh ones. Then I made her some Ring Noodle Soup (one of her favorites), watched movies with her, and played with my grand kitties.... yes, I have grand kitties! LOL Then I took her to KFC so she could get some mashed potatoes and gravy. That's something she can eat that is a bit more substantial than Jello.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

More pool stuff...

So I finally got my pump and filter connected and running. BUT... The filter isn't running properly. I found out that the valve has a problem. I took it apart and saw that the gasket came loose but, when I tried to put it back together, as soon as I moved the valve into the Filter position it jammed. My guess is that the gasket came loose again. Not sure if getting a new gasket would help. I found a good deal on a new valve so I ordered it. At this rate, I think we might be swimming by August.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something Strange

Today, June 2 2011, is the 4th anniversary of my mom passing away.

I was up late last night thinking of her and crying. When I was finally ready for bed I went to unplug the lights in my bedroom and I tripped over something, almost twisted my ankle on it. So I picked up the offending object and found that it was a ring jewelry box that belonged to my mom and inside was an opal ring... her birthstone. How strange is that?

Now I have to admit that I have her old jewelry armoire in my bedroom and that I have seen that ring before but I have no idea HOW it got out of the drawer, across my room, and landed on the floor next to my laundry basket and a foot from the electrical outlet. All I can think is that Mom was trying to tell me something... not sure what. But I believe that she was comforting me because I'm so sad today.